Board of Control

The Composition of the Board of Control
The Board of Control is required in terms of the Legal Practice Act 28 of 2014 to maintain adequate accounting records and is responsible for the content and integrity of the annual financial statements and related financial information included in this report. It is their responsibility to ensure that
the annual financial statements fairly present the state of affairs of the Fund as at the end of the financial year and the results of its operations and cash flows for the period then ended, in conformity with accounting policies as disclosed in note 1. The external auditor is engaged to express an independent opinion on the annual financial statements. The annual financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting policies as disclosed in note 1 and are based upon appropriate accounting policies consistently applied and supported by reasonable and prudent judgements and estimates.

Secretary to the Board
Shadrack Davis Maile holds a Certificate in compliance management. Mr Maile joined the Legal Practitioners Fidelity Fund in February 2011 as the Board secretary and he previously was a member of IODSA and ICM.
Postal address:
PO Box 3062, Cape Town
South Africa, 8000
Business address:
5th Floor, Waalburg Building
28 Wale Street, Cape Town
South Africa, 8001

Sophie Thabang “Peppy” Kekana
Independent Chairperson
Peppy Kekana is the Managing Director of Kekana Hlatshwayo Radebe (KHR) Attorneys. Under her leadership, KHR has experienced exponential growth since its humble beginnings in 2002 and it currently employs 15 attorneys, paralegals, conveyancers, and notaries who provide legal services to a diverse clientele across various industries. Peppy is a widely-respected legal professional with an impeccable track record spanning more than two decades. She has earned an awe-inspiring reputation for her ability to turn situations that look like dead ends into success stories for both corporate and individual clients. Her proficiency in 5 South African languages Tswana, Sotho, English, Afrikaans, and Zulu – and her profound insight on SA’s socio-political dynamics are just some of the things that build immediate rapport between Peppy and everyone she comes into contact with. She is passionate about transformation and upholding the highest standards of ethics and professionalism in the legal fraternity.

Phumelele Makatini
Independent Vice-Chairperson
Ms. Makatini is the CEO of the Building and Construction Industry Medical Aid Fund (BCIMA) which was founded in 1964. She has over 13 years combined experience attributed to financial services, consulting, health and tech industries. She has held different executive roles and senior management roles in government relations, business development and strategy in blue-chip companies. She is also an entrepreneur who is passionate about education and once held the role of Academic Independent Contractor at UNISA and visiting lecturer at Wits Business School. Ms. Makatini holds a Masters of Management in Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation from the University of Witwatersrand Business School, an Honours in Politics from the University of Johannesburg (UJ), a BA in Communication Science from the University of South Africa (UNISA) and is currently enrolled for a Postgraduate Diploma in Strategy and Innovation at the University of Oxford in the U.K. Phumelele is a former Independent Director of the Gauteng Cricket Board and current Independent Non-Executive Director and shareholder at Sakhiwo, a fuel distribution subsidiary of Thebe Investment Corporation.

K.L. Mokoena
Independent non-executive director
Mr. Mokoena has extensive experience in financial services, principally within investment banking having worked for domestic banks and international banks. He previously held positions as Manager: Acquisition & Leveraged Finance for Standard Bank, Director, Head: Capital Markets for Standard Chartered Bank, Director, Head: Africa for Standard & Poor’s Credit Rating Services, and Divisional Head at the South African Reserve Bank (Prudential Authority). He holds an Advanced Management Programme from the University of Oxford (England), a Master of Science in Finance (Banking) from the University of London (England), an M.B.A. from the University of the Witwatersrand, a B. Compt. (Hons)–CTA and a Post Graduate Diploma in Auditing both from UNISA, and a B. Com. (Econometrics) and B. Compt. (Acc.) both from the University of Durban-Westville.

Walid Brown
Independent non-executive director
Walid Brown advises in the Dispute Resolution and Insolvency, Business Rescue Restructuring practice areas He specialises in complex liquidations of companies and groups Directors Liability under the Companies Act perfection of notarial bonds foreclosure on commercial and residential properties corporate recoveries and restructuring commercial litigation property litigation long term insurance and professional indemnity His expertise extends to key pieces of legislation namely the National Credit Act the Consumer Protection Act and liability claims Walid holds an Advanced Certificate in Insolvency Litigation from the University of Pretoria and a Certificate in Advanced Business Rescue from the University of South Africa.

Mvuzo Notyesi
Independent non-executive director
Mvuzo Notyesi is an attorney and director at Mvuzo Notyesi Inc in Mthatha. He is President of the National Association of Democratic Lawyers. He holds a BProc and LLB degree from Walter Sisulu University, was admitted as an attorney in 1999 after completing his articles and attending the LSSA’s School for Legal Practice in East London. He has practised as a director at Mvuzo Notyesi Inc since 1999. Mr. Notyesi has been a council member and a member of the former Management Committee of the LSSA for three years. He represents the LSSA on the Judicial Service Commission. Mr. Notyesi has a passion for education and has been a part-time lecturer and an instructor at the LSSA’s School for Legal Practice in East London. He is also an examiner for the Attorneys’ Admission Examination. Mr. Notyesi is Chairperson of the Notyesi Foundation, which awards bursaries to disadvantaged students to attend university.

Advocate H.C Jansen van Rensburg
Independent non-executive director
Advocate H.C. Jansen van Rensburg (SC) obtained a National Diploma in Administration and National Diploma in Management from Technicon RSA as well as a B Proc, LLB and LLM from UNISA. He obtained a National Diploma in Insolvency Law from Pretoria University. He has 20 years of legal experience and specialises in criminal, civil and labour law. His experience includes inter alia experience in training, financial management, internal auditing, investigations, accounting, and insolvencies. He is the author of several practical legal publications and has acted as a Judge since 2018 in the Gauteng and Mbombela Divisions of the High Court of South Africa.

N Likotsi
Independent non-executive director
Ms. Likotsi is the Executive Chairperson of the Young Women in Business Network (YWBN). She serves on boards and sub-committees (Audit and Risk, Social & Ethics) of several companies as an independent non-executive director. This includes such companies as ISCA, Vaal, Libra, WHS, Apex Valves, LIXIL Africa and Ubuntu Plastics. She is the youngest woman independent Executive Director on Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) listed companies through DAWN Ltd and a member of the Institute of Directors Southern Africa. Ms. Likotsi has been honoured by the international business community, which presented her with the 2013/2014 ‘Women Leadership Award’ at the 3rd Africa – India Partnership Summit held in Mauritius, Destiny Magazine Power of 40, the most influential Young South African in Leadership & Civil Society in 2018. She holds a Masters in Entrepreneurship from Wits Business School and a post-graduate Certificate in Accounting from the University of Johannesburg. She also holds a Certificate in Entrepreneurship from the Centre of Entrepreneurship at Wits Business School (WBS).

Z Nkosi
Independent non-executive director
Ms. Nkosi is an Associate Director at Itelwe Consulting and Advisory. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce Honours and Certificate of Theory in Accounting (CTA) and is a registered Chartered Accountant (SA) and SAICA Assessor.
Ms. Nkosi has substantial accounting and auditing experience in the public sector, as well as knowledge of governance and compliance. She also has extensive knowledge of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Internal Auditing Standards (ISAs), Generally Recognised Accounting Practice (GRAP), Public Finance Management Ace (PFMA), Municipal Finance Management Act, National Treasury Regulations, and Modified Cash Standards. She has been a member of various audit and risk committees.

CJ Ntsoane
Independent non-executive director
Mr. Ntsoana is the owner and Managing Director of CJ Ntsoane Attorneys. He holds a B-tech Degree in Marketing Management from Technikon Pretoria (now Tshwane University of Technology) and an LLB from the University of Limpopo. He is currently enrolled for his master’s degree in Developmental Studies at the University of Limpopo.
Mr. Ntsoane was a member of the law society of the Northern provinces (LSNP). He is an admitted Attorney with the right of appearance in the High Court and more than 5 years of practical legal experience.
Board of Control’s responsibilities
The Board of Control is required in terms of the Legal Practice Act 28 of 2014 to maintain adequate accounting records and is responsible for the content and integrity of the annual financial statements and related financial information included in this report. It is their responsibility to ensure that the annual financial statements fairly present the state of affairs of the Fund as at the end of the financial year and the results of its operations and cash flows for the period then ended, in conformity with accounting policies as disclosed in note 1. The external auditor is engaged to express an independent opinion on the annual financial statements. The annual financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting policies as disclosed in note 1 and are based upon appropriate accounting policies consistently applied and supported by reasonable and prudent judgements and estimates.